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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Snow in the heat at Snowalk

Heyy so on the 25th of December (yeah, on Christmas Day), my family and I went to i-City at Shah Alam :). We arrived there around 6pm and my dad immediately line-up to buy the tickets to enter the Snowalk. There's a counter place beside the 'Snowalk building' to buy the tickets. Honestly the place is already crowded at that time. So eventually we waited for my dad about half an hour. Later we went inside the building and then straight to the place where we pick-up our jackets. There wasn't really many people at the Snowalk but it still kinda crowded. So after we put on the jackets we rushed to enter the huge freezer. Actually the jacket smell a bit uneasy, but once you're in the there, seriously you don't even bother bout the smell any more. And I think the temperature is below 0°C but I have no idea what's the exact temperature in there, but what I know is that it was reaaaaally cold.

At first we just walk around playing with the dirty snow where everybody step on and just enjoy the coldness, because we can't bring camera in to take pictures (though most of the people bring). But later on, my dad went out to took the camera from our car. And that's when we had fun taking loads of pictures with the sculptures in there. Here are some of the pictures that my dad and I took:

OK lol that's me.../hihi why got a prob with that?

That's my mum on the left and beside her is my evil lil brother.

And that's the guy who drove us there! :D

Here, meet my beloved mum who always act like she's still a teenage girl.

Now this is my weird elder brother who like to do stupid stuff when his picture was taken (and he was actually hiding behind that sculpture of house when I snapped this).

Lol this is the evil brother I just mentioned earlier.

Lastly, both of my brothers who play a lot in the snow and ran around like they own the place.

Oh actually cameras were NOT ALLOWED to bring in, but there were too many people bringing in cameras, so I guess the staffs don't even dare to tell the people to keep away their cameras. I think the actual reason they don't allow cameras is that, they already provide photographers in there to take pictures for us. So they can sell and make more money with the pictures they took. Haha but it's also sad to look at the photographers, who just walk around looking at everybody else with their own cameras /XD.
We stayed in there for about 1 and a half hour, but then I already started shivering so badly that it feels like I really wanna get out of that huge freezer. Oh and some people are like so damn stupid to wear short skirts and slippers in there /dignose. I bet they can't stand for even 15 minutes.

And for the price, my dad paid RM100 for my elder brother, my mum, himself and I (RM25 each) while only RM20 for my lil brother. At first when I was looking for the price on the internet, I saw many people said that the price were too expensive and not worth the visit, but in my personal opinion it was quite worth it because of the beautiful sculptures they made with LED lights everywhere. It made the place a must to visit at least once in a lifetime.

After we came out of the Snowalk (around 8pm) the place were already packed with people. Then we planned to look around i-City, but too bad our camera was covered with haze because of the totally different temperature outside. After we had no where to go, we headed home and along the way I saw lots of cars queueing to enter i-City, it's like 5km or more, but it was a very long queue. So if you wanna come, I suggest you come early to avoid the traffic there. This is a very long post so please ignore my grammatical error and any other errors, and thanks for reading /bye.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunway Day Out

Just got back from Sunway Pyramid and bought my RUBI shoes for school :p and actually I should be sleeping right now because I'm so tired and the weather is like so freaking hot /sweat. I went there with my mum and we ate at Delicious Restaurant /hmm. Oh my, the food is incredible! We ordered Grilled Three Cheese Sandwich with Cheddar, Mozzarella and Gruyère as main dish and Chocolate Brownie with Choc sauce and Vanilla ice cream as dessert :D. I think the Chocolate Brownie is better than Secret Recipe's cakes. The taste is seriously amazing with the hot choc sauce, and the ice cream on it makes it even better. Oh and for the drink my mum just ordered a Strawberry Milkshake for herself and I had the "Death by Iced Chocolate"... It taste awesomeeee! And I ate the the cheese sandwich with Heinz chilli sauce, don't be jealous cause it taste wonderfuuuul. Let me tell you this, when my mum asked the waiter for a bottle of chilli sauce, he looked at our plates with confusion (haha I bet he never see a girl eat cheese sandwich with chilli sauce! :))) Yeah we don't order much, but I think we had a really satisfying evening meal. The total is RM63.35 for 2 food and 2 drinks with the tax and service charges. Then we went to Jusco to buy my brother's short pants. After that we went to Cotton On to buy my shoes, we only bought a pair cause that's the only one left for my size. I wanted to have 2 pairs of RUBI shoes so my mum said we'll go to One Utama or the Curve next week (I hope). By the way, @LissaNazeri ate at Delicious too with her mum and friend (or sister) just now. They sat beside my mum and I, and I saw that she had the same drink as me (well never thought we would have the same taste in choosing drinks haha /nobigdeal) OK that is all for now, ciao~ :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Free time

Basically the title explain what this whole entry is all about. So what do you normally do during your free time? For me, I like to stalk people. My time normally flies with me on the internet. I tried to make reading as my hobby but it didn't seem to work, so I stick with my old 'hobby' which is stalking /wahaha. I agree that I didn't get any benefit from it, but that is how I like to spend most of my time. And when I'm not online I usually take pictures, listen to music or maybe watch television. So basically I'm a lazy head /nobigdeal. I only exercise during weekends or maybe not at all, well it depends. I try to find a new permanent hobby, besides stalking :D and I'm really looking forward to make handicrafts. Sadly it cost some money and none of my family member are interested in those stuff, so I have no one to guide me. Anyway, I'll still try to make reading as my hobby because it's definitely the best hobby that I can think of =D>. Oh and I don't really like to draw because I don't have the talent, but I do like arts. I hope this entry express how boring I am right now, so that is all I can came out with. Hope to see you soon! /bye BYE

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Check out Victorious new episode!

Do you guys know Victoria Justice? Well you should, she's an American actress and singer. She acted as the main cast, Tori Vega on Nickelodeon's TV series, Victorious. Recently there's a new episode from the show, titled "A Christmas Tori" and I think you should watch it. If you want a better quality of the video watch it on YouTube! :)

Braids and skates

Nowadays, teenagers like to tie their hair into beautiful braids. It is becoming a hairstyle trend lately, I guess. Even most of my friends are doing braids with each others hair. Wow, never thought that hairstyles would turn out to be a trend :) . Oh and the other thing is inline skates, yes more people are interested in this cool sport, so do I :D. Oh and last Sunday, I decided to go to The Wheels at Subang Avenue with my friend, as I heard people were talking about the cool disco skating place. Suddenly, a day before the outing my mum said I can't go when she heard the word 'disco', as it'll be dangerous because well ya know it's dark. I was like "WHAT?!" /shock, I keep asking her just maybe she'll change her mind about the place and I even beg her, but she still give no for an answer. Man, how I wish I could skate on that day. It'll definitely be fun, but nevermind /nobigdeal I'll buy inline skate next year, that's for sure! :p


OK, I just had a rough time figuring how to make my blog looks fun, which I still haven't fully discover how. So, the blog you're currently looking at is so far what I've come out with. Just so you know, I've watched three movies at the theatre so far. /wahaha Haha this is unusual, I've watched Breaking Dawn with my beloved mother , Puss in Boots with my family and The Adventures of Tintin with Aisyah. I think I had enough with the cinema popcorns right now. And not to forget it's still school holidays everyone, so where have you guys been to during this holiday? Still having fun? Well lucky you! I just have to stay at home because my parents can't have any more leaves till next year, but they promised to take my brothers and I to Universal Studios at Singapore during next year's semester break. Yeah, finally!! OK, till then goodbye for now! /bye