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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Braids and skates

Nowadays, teenagers like to tie their hair into beautiful braids. It is becoming a hairstyle trend lately, I guess. Even most of my friends are doing braids with each others hair. Wow, never thought that hairstyles would turn out to be a trend :) . Oh and the other thing is inline skates, yes more people are interested in this cool sport, so do I :D. Oh and last Sunday, I decided to go to The Wheels at Subang Avenue with my friend, as I heard people were talking about the cool disco skating place. Suddenly, a day before the outing my mum said I can't go when she heard the word 'disco', as it'll be dangerous because well ya know it's dark. I was like "WHAT?!" /shock, I keep asking her just maybe she'll change her mind about the place and I even beg her, but she still give no for an answer. Man, how I wish I could skate on that day. It'll definitely be fun, but nevermind /nobigdeal I'll buy inline skate next year, that's for sure! :p

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