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Saturday, July 30, 2011


I wanna eat chocolates before Ramadan, and by that I mean lots and lots of them until I can't even swallow it. It's like I wanna run to Giant Hypermarket now and buy a box of Cadbury's chocolates. OK, this post shows that I'm hungry. BTW, free chocolate from my school yesterday makes me addicted to chocolates. Oh and please hope this won't turn me into a fat chocolate freak.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Birthday gift

I was thinking of having a roller skate as my birthday present. I also thought of buying my own DSLR camera, but I don't think I can own it since my parents won't let me have one as it will not be fair to my brothers. Unless I collect my own money, which will take ages till I have the exact amount. So now I decided to buy a roller skate instead, because I know how to skate and my friend have it so we can play together. If roller skate it will be much more cheaper than DSLR camera and I think I have to collect my own money to buy them. Soooo, my birthday is on October and this Monday will be August. I think I can only collect half price, hmmmm?

I was thinking..what if I ask my mom to buy it for me, but she will be like "If you want something try to work hard for it" and I'll be like "fine...".
~ Anyway, thanks for reading this.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Camping at school

Yesterday I just went back from camping for three days and two nights at school. I really had a great time, and I don't think I wanna change my uniformed unit next year. Before, I was thinking of joining Taekwondo but now, nevermind. The only thing I hated there is the toilet. There I forgot to bring slippers and I also bring only 2 pants so I had to wear batik sarong (man it's so embarassing) but I'm feeling much better as it is over. At night we slept late so I was really tired till now. Oh btw, the seniors are great, really great and Kak Fara was there too. Sometimes she smiles at me when I see her and what I do is giggle a bit because she looks kinda funny when she look at me ;)

BTW, I'm done for today. Peace!

Friday, July 15, 2011


This coming Saturday is the day when Malaysia vs Liverpool FC and the day my mom and I gonna watch Monte Carlo.. I just wanna watch Selena Gomez acting in the movie. Easy to say girls go watch movie at Sunway Pyramid while the boys go and watch Liverpool match at Stadium Bukit Jalil... Yay, everybody's happy.

BTW, I've watch Transformers: Dark of The Moon last Sunday, 10th July. It was a sad and funny movie :') but one boring thing is that it's just about ROBOTS... Anyway still can say it's a great movie!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The time I finish all my homework 100%

The above statement would never gonna happen because I'm so lazy. I think the only problem in my life is homework, schools are tough but I'm not. All this homework, choir competition and camp is killing my life but not me, just my life okay. Just wish (<---- read that) that my life would be better, trying hard. Arghh, almost forgot about one thing,EXAM! August test is around the corner so does Ramadhan and August month it self. OK, that's all for this time. Thanks for reading~